Teach For Ethiopia is a partner in the Teach For All global network of national organizations working to end educational inequity in their countries by enlisting their most promising young leaders in the effort.

Teach For All has a presence in 61 countries (as of May 2023), and it has a vision that β€˜One Day, Every Child will have access to an excellent education.”

Teach For All in numbers: 14,000 teachers, 88,000 alums, 1 MISSION!

Bahir Dar University Amhara Ethiopia
Debre Markos University Ethiopia

We are grateful to the Amhara Bureau of Education and the Finance and Development Bureau, Amhara, for their constant support and encouragement.

Economic and Finance Bureau Amhara
Amhara Bureau of Education

Teach For Ethiopia is proud of its partnership with the prestigious

Bahir Dar University, Amhara, and Debre Markos University as its knowledge-sharing partners.